Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-Day

Don't let today be the only day in your life to show that you love. Life is never about one day or one night. And they say true love is eternal. So make use of every moment and every opportunity to let that someone special know how much they mean to you.
Very few are blessed to fall in love, even fewer stay in love, and only a handful make it last.

So go ahead, add a meaning, add a purpose to your life. We all need someone who loves us, we all need someone whom we can lean on. Remember, to express what you feel. Its only when you fail to express, things go wrong. Today is one such day to express your love. So go ahead. Here is wishing all the couples a Happy Valentines Day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Making People Famous

Famous people make you famous.
So now here is the good part of being associated with fazal.
Just go to google, type your name space fazalc and search. See the results.
ex : Aman fazalc

Note: Please type your name they way I address you. Not your full names..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“Hubbies are 'clueless' on facts about wives“

Slow Down, slow down!!! It's not about what you think. I too was taken for a ride by the topic. And after i read the research piece, I thought may be i too must use the same headline to gather interest.
I found this interesting bit of research piece on the web. It read “Hubbies are 'clueless' on facts about wives“. Curious just like the rest of you, to know what those facts are, there I was reading the piece of article the next minute. To sum up the article, it spoke of the Top five things men don't know about their partner: And the top 5 were

1. What perfume they wear
2. Clothes size
3. Eye colour
4. Date of birth
5. Natural hair colour

And after having read the entire piece of article, I was like "Now what is so shocking about it?" I am sure even most the women/girls ll find themselves baffled about these top 5 facts or should I call them myth.

What perfumes they wear?
Every time a girl walks past me, or I sit with some girl I am always so confused. I am a diehard fan of perfumes. I LOVE perfumes. I have a mini perfume store at home. I have a craze for it. To me you don’t wear a perfume; your perfume is your individuality. So when I am with a girl and I am not able to differentiate between the scent of her perfumes, her creams, her deo’s, and her sun screens, I am SO lost. And I am sure considering the amount of variables that go into a ladies makeup, she herself ll not be able to distinguish. So why blame the poor guy?

Natural hair Color?
The only time a guy can be sure about a girls/women’s hair color is when he sees a women/girl with grey hair. And I am sure we men will always remember the natural color. From Ebony, to blond, burgundy, copper, henna red, dark ash to chestnut to Swedish.. I don’t even know if the set is a finite or is it an infinite set. A girls hair color changes so frequently that I am sure ask a girl after a few years and she herself won’t remember what was her natural hair color.

Clothes size?
Haha. Go out shopping with a girl and you ll know why I laugh? She ll pick a size silently for her, and then she ll step out of the trail room and then come to you, and say “The dress is too big isn’t it”? And even before you can nod your head, there she would be trying all possible sizes that she would ve tried once upon a time during her childhood days and she would finally squeeze into something which sure defies the ratio of proportion. So, does the poor female soul herself know her dress size?

Eye Color?
Thanks to contact lens these days, there is no way a guy can tell the natural color of a girl’s eyes. A smart guy like me ll be able to tell when a girl is wearing a contact lens. There is an easy give away. You ll just need to look hard into her eyes; make sure you don’t get lost in them.. Thanks to someone special who thought me this.

Date Of Birth?
I have always been taught from the day I was born to never ask a girls age. So I dare not ask a girl, her date of birth.

So to conclude, all women are equally clueless about the 5 myths stated above. May be God himself. To put it in a larger context, the very creation called women is something I am sure we men will never understand. We can at best only admire them. There is always something new about the women we always think we know. And maybe that’s what keeps us interested in them. After all we all like changing seasons don’t we.