Sitting by the window in a crowded bus,
I was all set for a new destination...
Not knowing where I was heading,
I was sure I was only heeding,
Heeding to my thoughts
Which always brought with it droughts...
Droughts of lonliness....
I tried hard not to think about her,
But I had no control over my tots,
Cos my heart was all but her's..
Trying hard to recollect myself,
I knew I was making a futile attempt....
Running away from something, is easy
But might lead into a frenzy...
I leaned against the window,
Staring hard outside at the meadow...
People kept flocking in and out,
And the bus kept moving ahead...
For a moment i was left wondering,
Isn't our life also based on the same learning
People come and go in life,
Some stay a little short, some stay a little rife..
Some people are close to heart,
And some hard to part...
The journey called life keeps moving,
While people keep coming and going....
As i got absorbed into my past,
Tears started to roll fast...
She was not just any other person,
She was my only reason....
A Reason to live....
To me, What life has to offer,
I know time will confer...
But as I lay back and mourn,
It was now my turn...
My turn to un-board, not just from the bus,
But from the bus of my tots...
Unsure where i am heading,
I guess it's time I stop riding,
Riding on the wave of tots...
For life has gifted me some moments,
Which I know no one can torment..
As i learn to live with just her memories..
Its about time my I break my eyries...
Its about time i accept the fact,
That she is no longer a part of my act..