Saturday, May 5, 2012

Point Of No Return

Reminds of a subject I had studied during my engineering. SOM, Strength of Materials. We learnt about stress, strength, elasticity and other related topics. We could mathematically derive at numbers which would tell us at what level of stress and over what period, a given structure is bound to collapse. To what extent we can stretch a material at the same time ensure it doesn’t break

Likewise, it’s true that any given relationship no matter how sanctum-sacrum it is bound to break at one point of time if constantly subjected to stress. We sure don’t have any scientific formulae’s to derive at that “one point of no return”. But at the same time all it requires is an openness to see things around you to be able to sense the impending doom.

Often, out of greed or selfish interest we fail to see even the very obvious signs, and in the process we end up catalyzing an effect which otherwise would have just tested the elasticity of the relationship.
Relationships are very brittle, extremely fragile. Even one word spoken out of context can cause deep fissures. It’s but foolishness to expect that you can do, say and act the way you want in a relationship and expect the other person to always be nice to you.

We often, may be in a friendship or a relationship put up with many things which we would normally never, as we value the person on the other end. At the same time deep within we wish and pray and hope the other person mends his/her ways so that the very core values you live by are not forever compromised.
But inspite of all that what you do, if a person is not willing to mend ways, and is stubborn and head strong there comes a point of truth.

That brings me to another question. How would you define “Relationship”.
If I were to define, it’s just purely a relation you build from heart. A ship to bridge the two islands which are distant apart.

Certain relationships are implicit on us by birth. Like our parents, our siblings, our relatives. Some we build along as we grow. Our friends, Our neighbors, Our soul mates, our spouse. And the essential ingredient in all these relationships is “trust”.

Once that “trust” is gone, a relationship is doomed for eternity.

It’s easy to forgive a person who has broken your trust, but not to forget. And I personally would never trust the same person again in my life. And that’s when I reach  “ a point of no return”.


srivi.. said...

very nice :)... I keep visiting ur blog to see if anything is new... keep..writing...i get good relaxation when i come through ur blog...u depict the reality... i am not as bold as you are.. :)

Fazal C said...

:) Haha.. Thanks Vidya.... It's very flatterin to read such nice things :D I can suddenly sense a growth on my head ;) esp since it comes from a person who doesnt give it easily ;)

You started late on my blog, but the good part you ve ever since been hooked. Good to have you aroun... Friends like you are my feel good factor..
Will keep writin.. and hope you keep readin :)

Chandan said...

Very nice dude.... like the way you play with the words...:)