Monday, December 24, 2012

The Year 2012

It’s been a year of apocalypse.  There were times when I wished for the Nostradamus Prophesies to come true. The world would ve escaped the Mayan Calendar D-Day, but the year 2012 was in every sense a year of personal cataclysms.

Professionally too it’s been a year I would like to forget and hope I never ever have such a stint again in my career. It was a long drawn skirmish all in vain. Not sure if I would ve dealt with the situation differently if things were balanced on the personal front. But the fact is after reaching the peak, sometimes you ve to fall and the fall is sure painful. Now from where I stand, I see a larger cliff to scale and the road just got more treacherous.

Interestingly it also happens to be a year, where I have not made a single new friend in life. Not jus’ that, it’s also a year where my friends list got right sized. My world became a much smaller place. And without doubt they ve been my strength during my moments of paleness. I have had people who have just held my hand and not spoken a word but maybe that’s all I needed. Friends who never ever asked me “for what?” or “but why?” or “when?”  But just stood beside me.  So here is a big thanks to all you guys.

It’s also been a year to taste hard realities of life. To travel “Cattle Class”, to starve, to realize how valuable money is. Never before in life had I ever imagined I could. But yes, I travelled in a General Compartment Sleeping on the floor in our very own Indian Railways. A bitter reality of life, that it is not always serene. There exists a world where people fight to survive. Life is a melee. A year, where I realized the value of food and took a vow to minimize wasting food.

On a happier note, it’s the year when finally my good friend Rakesh found his partner for life. A wedding we all thoroughly enjoyed.  Congrats to the newlywed couple.

It’s a year when someone came around to proudly claim the youngest cousin title. Those were wonderful moments to hold a new born.

So as 2012 comes to a grinding halt, I quote…
“The journey I'm taking is inside me. Just like blood travels down veins, what I'm seeing is my inner self and what seems threatening is just the echo of the fear in my heart.”
― Haruki Murakami,