Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The picture above and the post below are totally non related. But yes both are pretty much what I miss!!!

Often we feel bad for people who shed their tears and we go all the way to comfort them and make them feel happy. I remember I am someone who often dons the monkey cap whenever someone sheds their tears. Generally I am good at making up people’s mood when they are low or sad. Often I am good at wiping someone’s tears.  Not as easy as it sounds, just a box full of tissues will not suffice; it takes a lot more than that. Basically that someone has to place their trust on you! And you need to have the heart to listen patiently and not be judgmental.

When I think of it, blessed are those who can cry without any inhibitions and let their feelings go. For ask someone who has just cried their heart out, their heart often feels light.

Cursed are those who cannot shed a tear!!! Often in life some of us are required to put a valiant face, laugh, go around playing the role of clown just so that you can bring a smile on the other persons face.  Not just that, you also know there are also a set of people who are waiting to feast on your tears and rejoice.
All along we battle with ourselves and each moment fight firm so that we can just hold back our tears. You long for a moment of solitude so that you can shed your tears in silence. But alas, you are so used to holding back your tears, that even in solitude your tear glands deceive you.

That’s when you silently wish, “Wish you could cry loud so that for once you can smile genuinely!!!”


Anonymous said...

Waiting for the next post.

srivi.. said...

how many days I have to wait for your next post :( its been quite long...