Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A come back post......

It’s been a year since I last wrote something for my blog. And by all stretch of imagination that’s a real long time. While many would mail me or during causal conversations ask me to start blogging again, I always kept giving lame excuses. One of my avid followers (I like to credit all my occasional reads as my avid followers) told about an interesting fact about my blog recently. She was narrating to me an incident of how she recommended my blog to her friend as a good read, and how instantly her friend reacted saying ‘that blog is full of pain and sorrow, nothing happy in there’. I actually laughed when I heard that comment. But then a serious retrospective of my posts and it’s nothing but true.

Each one of us need something motivating or a driving factor to be able to accomplish something. On most occasions it’s already something that is within us, but a small external catalyst helps us go that extra mile. I have been doing lot of writing in the recent past. I do a lot of creative writing for my uncle’s firm, help them in some real hard sales pitch and since it’s worked for them they keep coming back to me for all their prime clients. But all this didn’t require an external motivation for me. It’s my passion to write, and something that I am blessed with.

But when it comes to my blog, it’s different. I always look for an incident, a person who has touched me, has changed my life, and that becomes my motivation to write.

Happiness to me is best expressed in actions and something that needs to be celebrated. Often you will find many people to be a part of your celebrations and share your happiness and that’s a nice thing. But pain, sorrow, grief is something that we all hold back from sharing. For on most occasions we don’t trust people around us to understand us. And even more interestingly no one likes to hear sad things. But we all secretly wish, wish if he had a person with whom we can share our sorrow, our pain, and our darkest secrets and feel better. How often have you read a piece of article and instantly been able to relate it to your life? Just look back, you will never relate a happy article to your life, it’s often only your not so happy moments you relate with others and articles that you read.

For you to appreciate your life, you must go through pain. I often wonder what makes the mom-child relations so unique, why so much bonding. And that’s because it’s all the pain a mother takes and undergoes to bring the little life on this earth. Same holds good for any relationship. A relationship that has gone through pain will always survive the fiercest of battles. All it requires is patience. And in the end if your patience has not paid off, don’t give up. For the pain you have endured will make you a wiser person in life.

“I often wish I don’t wake up to see the sun rise tomorrow and I drown in this pain forever. But then I wonder what if you come back to me tomorrow? And I continue to breathe in hope” -fzl


Anonymous said...

You'll never change.... But then I don't want you to change either :)

Snow Queen said...

Sadness touches the depths of our feelings and brings out the masterpiece in a creative person!

Fazal C said...

@Snow Queen : Cant agree more :)