Thursday, July 9, 2009

Random updates....

Been quite a while since I posted my last blog post, hence this....

Today on my way to office I was counting the number of traffic signals that I have to pass each morning. And the last signal that I counted on my way today was signal number 19!!! YES!!! That's the number of traffic signals that I need to cross every morning on my drive to office, not taking into account the manned signals. For a distance of 18kms, 19 Signals! Welcome to "Bangalore"...

I always used to think, that life of people who work in RnD must be fun, as they get to do whatever they want and try new things which no one would have even thought. Guess a typical example of grass on the other side is always green. For the last 3 weeks, I have been into a RnD team, a newly formed team with a specific objective to achieve. But ever since, I find myself SO lost. I don't know what to do, and what I have been doing. If today someone comes and asks me what have you been doing over the last few weeks, I will only have my smile to show...

July6th was sister's 4th Wedding Annv. It's been 4 long years. And Aman turned 6mnts old on 7th of this month. Seriously miss him... Sis was saying that the little guy is busy doing push ups these days!!! Yes, he is trying his best to get his ass moving ;) very soon my little Aman will start to crawl. Alhamdulillah...

There are lot of things which are going wrong in my life presently. Have a feeling sooner or later something is gonna give in and there is gonna be some serious change in the near future... Hope and pray for the best....

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