Monday, October 12, 2009

Lucky By Chance

Was working late at office today, and normally when I am late I drive Cruise Control when I am on full throttle. A normally law abiding driver in me, once it is late nite looks right, looks left and if does not see Maama(that's how we address traffic cops in this part of the world) around, Jumps the traffic Signal provided there is no traffic.

Today was one such day again. After having a good day at office and an even greater time in all the meetings today, I was all happy and so was happily driving back home relaxed and happily jumping signals at will.

But then sometimes you don't really know, why is that you act the way you would normally never.
I jus' applied brakes at one of the signals and was least worried to move, whereas people behind me gleefully overtook me and jumped the signal.

I could not stop laughing at myself, when I saw 3 maamaas jumping infront of these vehicles from no where for having jumped the traffic signal.

That's when it struck me.. "Lucky By Chance".

DISCLAIMER : The traffic jump was carried out by an expert who is professional in everything he does. The reader is advised not to try the same stunt, and if he/she really wants to try, they may do so under their own risk. The writer is in no way responsible for the outcome of your stunt. Remember luck is ONLY by Chance. Not at Will.

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