Come economic recession and there seems to be sudden change in everything around me.... This is a time where most of we, so called techies are the least sort out people and this is a time when the moment i say I am a s/w professional the first question that pops out of the other person's mouth is, "Oh, so how are things". Indirectly he/she just meant "do you still have a job?", or are also a victim global layoff trend.
There was this article the other day in the paper which said, that the demand of techies has gone down in the marriage market! :) Ya, you heard it rite, in the marriage "MARKET". These days marriage is also a business. Probably the only business venture I might venture into or rather take a plunge into :D
Coming back, Today when I sit to blog, I am totally fatigued. Fatigued because of all the work load. The work over the last few months has been so much that there have been days when I never even got to take a 10 mins break from work. I miss going to the cafeteria and spending long hours there trying to get familiar with all faces :) I miss that luxury of coming to office late, and leaving early :) I miss that luxury of having to just pretend I am working hard and at the end of each month take home a fat pay cheque, I miss that luxury of not taking my managers seriously and threatening my management that I will drop my papers if my concerns are not looked into :) - Ya, i miss all that.... hehe...
Today are the times, when I come in early to office everyday , stay back late, skip my lunch, cut down on those frequent breaks, no time to forward mails to all my other friends whose Inbox are craving for my mails, cannot think of back answering my manager even though at times what he speaks and says is way absurd.
Guess we have always been the cursed lot. I felt this when the other day I had been for a hair cut to a saloon, and my hair stylist (don't laugh you people, its not that only actors/actresses can afford a hair stylist, even a techie can afford one hair stylist, after all he is the one who tries to gives me a smart look) from no where says this "Aaag beeku sir.. Ee nan makallu, s/w engineers tumba ne egar aad bitturu. Beku, kalili avaru" ....
Oh.. for all those who don't understand Kannada or as not as proficient as me in this language, this is what he meant "They deserve it, those @*!% s.w engineers were acting too much, they must learn a lesson"
Did he for a moment forget that I too am a software professional :) May be he did thanks to my dumb looks, But at least I tried to forget that I am one :)
Oops.. My messenger is blinking.Here comes my client..... Guess I better wind this blog up, because I have to get back to work. Its 5 am on a Thursday morning and I am here at office in front of my system writing this blog. No, no.. Not that I have no work, just that I wanted a break. My mind was wanting to break free, and what better option for me than this....
Its like being payed to write a blog at office.... hehe (Ofcourse these are my billable hours to the client, Just hope they are not reading my blog.....)
But I am not complaining, because I am still lucky to have a job, to have a project, to be able to blog during work hours and to be taking my salary home at the end of each month :)
And for all those people who hate us, thing again.....
"The world would not have been a better place without us"
YES, its WE who made you all lazy. So its we who have gifted you the luxury of Laziness having to fore go our laziness. You owe us all. So please pray for us :)
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