Journalism at its new levels. A journalist hurls shoe at a cabinet minister in India. But luckily for him, and thanks to Indian politics he goes un punished. I didn't pay much heed to the incidence. But last nite I was watching a popular news channel which was discussing the whole Issue. And what irritated me the most is two prominent highly reputed journalists were actually defending the stand taken by the insane shoe hurler.
All these days it was the political class that were the untouchables. Now add journalists to this new list. They have all the freedom to do what they want. How on earth can you EVER defend a fellow colleague when the entire world knows what he did was no true to his profession.
May be he had his personal reasons to it, but at that very press conference he was a journalist who is not supposed to have any political or religious inclination!!!
You might wash away this instance saying its way too trivial..
But just imagine this... Tomorrow a journalist walks into a press conference and instead of shoe, starts hurling bullets at the minister!!! And i am sure there will still be journalists who ll support his cause saying after all he too is human and he too has emotions!!!
Pure double standards.. If that's the case every criminal in this country should be left free. No individual commits an offence for the sheer joy of it. He/She commits a crime for a reason, and from humanitarian point of view his reasons might be genuine.
Tomorrow a son will go kill the person who abused his dad verbally. Why should you punish the child! He was just showing off his emotions.
Where are we heading????
As a journalist there are lotta ways to raise public opinion. From what i remember the "Jessicca Lal" case, the "BMW" Case.. The media played a huge role in raising public opinion and ensuring the guilty are brought under the purview of law.
It's a different issue as to how effective our Judiciary is..
Simply put..
Two wrong don't make a right... And it's really a pity when I see the nation’s top journalists defending someone just because he happens to be from the world of media...
I guess it's time to introspect..
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