After having come from the vast lush green campuses and classrooms of college life,Entering Large training rooms in office and being a part of large training batches,
I felt suddenly being Imprisoned when I was allotted a project and with it a "Cubicle" in which I was supposed to sit, along with 2 other Inmates.
I looked around in despair, I could not see any one other than the 2 Inmates. I wanted to run out of this place, but when I looked outside my Cubicle I could find no place to run. It was a maze of "Cubicles", where one cubicle lead to the other...
And hence started my Sentence of "Serving as a Software Engineer".....
It's been 3 years since I have been living this life, and they generally say we software guys are very adjusting..
[ For Ex : No matter how ugly your colleague is over a period of time, you ll start to believe that he/she is after all not all that ugly.. What if he/she resembles an ape??? After all he/she just resembles someone's ancestors ]
So seeing my good behavior in a Cubicle I was given a Parole of 3 months to be Served at Client Location In Austria... And after having read a lot about the Prisons in Austria, I was all gleeful. Incidentally Prisons in Austria are the best in the world with all 5 star luxuries :)
After having reached Austria and entered the new work place, I was scared to death when I was asked to share my seat with hundred's of other people. "My Productivity was at threat."
I felt lost, it was like all of a sudden the whole world was looking right at me.. I was all Exposed. The company had an open desk policy.. Yes!!!, "No cubicle"...
That's when Dilbert Came to my mind.. As Dilbert rightly says " I cried because I did not have an office with a door, untill I met a man who had no cubicle "
At the end of 3 months i wanted to get back to my "Cubicle".. I was missing my cubicle, I was Cubicle Sick...
And if you wondering Why I love my cubicle??? Here's why....
-> I can sit back, relax and be rest assured that no one is watching me but for the other 3 inmates, who are any ways my friends by now (remember how adjusting we are???)
-> I can sleep at my desk without being noticed...
-> I can make calls at will to all my other friends who are spread across various other cubicles
-> I can pretend to be working to any other person outside my cubicle but at the same time be busy chatting using my IM
-> I can praise about my mangers incompetence at length with my other inmates without risking being overheard.
-> I can decorate my cubicle just the way I want it to.. Sometimes it reminds me so much of my room, when i find myself lost searching for my stuff..
-> I can open all those "Careful" mails which keep flooding my Inbox...
And lastly I can compose such blogs at will and bill my client for all these work hours.... :)