The sun was on it's way down,
And so was our love, about to drown...
Sometimes think, starin death in the eye is easier,
For it's just a moment
But It's difficult to live those moments,
When you know these are your last moments with your loved one...
For life never remains the same again....
Sitting by my side, she held my hand tight,
Trying to endure a fight,
A fight of thoughts, Unsure how long this moment ll last...
Her heart so heavy, she leaned against me..
She never spoke a word, but I could hear her speak..
She turned towards me, and looked at me,
Even before our eyes could to meet,
She let her face drop,
I knew it was not her, but her tears.....
I stretched my hand to wipe off her tears,
That were fast rolling down her cheeks...
I could only wipe her tears, but not stop her from cry..
I sensed her body shiver, it was not the winds,
But the fear, fear of losing one another....
We stared at the fast setting darkness aroun us..
As we saw our dreams drown infront of our eyes,,,
The shore began to grow, as the tides began to recede...
We could sense the distance grow......
The wind's paused as if refusing to carry our sound..
The clouds began moving apart as if rendering us shelter less...
Orphaned not just by love, but by nature we were......
Well.. we started our friendship on friday 13/11/2009, i have read this four times , meaning everyday i open & read this :) Thank you for keeping me engaged!
One more thing on 13th :)
There must be surely some significance of 13th in my life...
And thanks for keeping you engaged? haha.. I guess i should thank you for reading this post repeatedly and having liked what i wrote, and above all having taken time off to let me know what you felt.. thank you so much.. Keep reading my posts :)
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