Having just come out of a relationship, he was worried how he needs to take things going forward. Because he said there were lot many things about his previous relationship which he could simply not let go. Yet, he was completely aware of the fact of what was staring him in the eye, the fact that he will very soon have to accept someone unknown to him as his wife and she has all hopes pinned on him.
Not sure how many of you have already been through this phase, or are going through this phase, or are yet to step into this phase :)
Now don't ask me into which of the above said categories does fazal's life fit into? :) Not to dis-appoint you, i ll answer it partially, definitely not the first category.
There is always the serious side to this matter, but in this blog of mine, I would not like to touch on that aspect. Guess this blog is more to all those friends of mine, esp the male friends who are getting married. Having known most of my friends, these are things which you ought to do, if you are planning to have a happy married life ;)
I am going to make this blog a 5 point blog :D
-> Most of my friends/family who are married, have this habit of sharing their personal email id's and chat id's along with passwords to their better halves. I honestly don't understand the funda behind this, but this is one big move about which can spell doom in your life if you are not a clean guy like me with no past ;)
I agree it's a great degree of honestly and a nice way to show your love, but make sure if you are planning to share your passwords, to run through your Inbox and also Sent Items once.
And in some cases I would suggest you to delete your email account rather than having just a welcome message in your inbox left after having cleaned up your inbox :D
Oh yes, not to forget all the social networking sites....
I would say, trust your other half with your internet banking password, but not with your personal email/chat passwords. (I am sure some girls might feel offended thinking this sentence was targeting them. But no, it was not intentional ;) )
-> I am not sure how many of you are aware that Gtalk/gchat stores all your chat history. Many a times you would have cleared your chat history, and one fine day you must be chatting with a good friend of yours and these are friends who take up the wrong topics at the wrong time, and there everything is being logged in the background. And for all you know for the first fault of yours (Point1), you ll start paying a big price :)
Make sure you always disable your chat logs in Gtalk/gchat. There is an option in settings. Note by default the setting is on.
Also make sure you have not turned on archiving on yahoo messenger.
-> Everyone who has been into love during college life, would have spent most his time sending/receiving messages, and therefore the person's Inbox will be filled with all memories from past. And as a friend of mine was telling me sometime back, it's hard to let go those messages, cos sometimes when you feel lonely it really feels nice to read them again.
Here again its a choice between whether you wanna live all your life on those past memories alone or do you wanna create new memories going forward with your other half. Don’t expect to have both :D
-> You might have a college or office album where in at the first glance itself it becomes obvious to any person viewing your snaps, that your camera lens is always more focused on one person in particular.
Again there are multiple options here, either shuffle your photos in such a random manner, that you yourself forget whom were you trying to photograph, or you better be prepared to say, that you are a person who does not know how to operate a camera, and so you were not the person behind the camera, blame it on your friend who mis-used your camera(Have a friend's name ready), also if you are using the previous excuse be ready to explain as to why you re missing from most of the snaps in that case :D
Or best, just format your system or keep all the photos in a bank locker and throw away the key :D
-> If you have again been in love during college days esp,you are sure to have tons of personal greetings with personal messages in them, and sometimes those special letters :). And ya how can i forget the gifts. But gifts generally don’t mean harm, in many cases they are very abstract and mean different thinks to different people.
But card and letters, they convey things outright and are always spot on in expressing what is intended :)
So make sure you stack them up all in a gunny bag and burn them, or if you have the habit of eating paper, your life becomes all the more easier.
Okay, I have thrown light into some off the aspects which people generally tend to overlook and later on repent when confronted with un-deniable evidence :D
So make sure you have tampered with all your evidences enough before you are getting married. :D But it's true no matter how much you attempt to erase things, something’s will always remain and might come up. So better have answers ready and get your life insured at the same time keep you will ready. :)
All said, On a serious note..
Be honest to your other half, you might have had a past which for some reason might not have worked for you. But don't hold that against the person who is stepping afresh into your life for in many ways for that person entering your life you might mean the world. And it's a lot of dreams which are at stake....
Marriage is a one time event... Make it memorable and everlasting...
It's a matter of personal choice whether you want to tell about your past relationships to your wife/husband. And to what extent you want to reveal. But at the same time something’s are better left unsaid. And please never attempt to dig into someone's past...
Trust is the key, to unlock the lock called marriage.
A note :
As I say all this, if by any means my future other half is reading this, this is for you
" All that what I have said in this blog, is not from experience.. These are bits and pieces of information collected from here and there mostly from friends who are married and their experiences. You ll notice once I share you my email/chat id's that I still have my chat logs enabled and there are chat logs in it, and there are mails in my inbox and sent items... And I ll sure show you many of my photos. But what you can sure expect is me not sharing my bank account details.. For in many ways, money is something that has played games with me all my life" :D
Excellent tips…it will useful for people like you...
:) haha... more for my friends i guess.. less for me...
@your future other half.. dont believe him.. :) he has deleted selected mails and chats and kept only the safe ones :)
:o @my future other half.....
you must have already heard many remarks like the ones above, and you ll get to hear many more rumors about me in due course...
But trust me to not trust any of my frnz :)
I ll soon be filing defamation suites against all my frnz.. don't you worry.. we ll live our lives happily with all the damage amount that we will win :)
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