Saturday, March 21, 2009

Meet Dilbert....

Managers as I had once posted in one of my earlier blogs are the most hated people at work place. We associate them with everything that causes misery and hardship to us.
But there are times when your manager does something outta the blue for you, and you must consider yourself fortunate if you happen to fall in that blessed few.
I was fortunate enough to have worked with one such manager, and one of the best thing he did was introduce me to "Dilbert".
And even before I realized I was spending more and more time with "Dilbert" than with most other friends. He brought to my life the much needed sympathetic pleasure :) (Sympathetic pleasure???!!!)
And if there is someone reading this blog who doesn't know DILBERT!!!! Before you waste your rest of your life sulking about your jobs and manager.. Meet him..
They say birds of the same feather flock together, may be that's the reason, I find myself so close to Dilbert. His day to day work, colleagues, incidences, his manager, his company, reminds me so much of what I go through.....
They say a picture is as good a 100 words, so rather than going on and on about Dilbert, here is a simple picture which is so much me :D and so much true....
So here's a cheers to "Dilbert".....


Unknown said...

I guess this pic resembles most of us :)

Unknown said...

That's cos we all re in the same profession as Dilbert :D